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News and updates about surrogacy, egg donation, gamete donation, family law, adoption, and a monthly surrogacy movie review.

Ralph M. Tsong
Jun 2, 20233 min read
Surrogacy Lawyers for Intended Parents: Why, When, and How
A surrogacy lawyer is knowledgeable about the legal aspects of surrogacy agreements. If you are seeking to build a family through...

Ralph M. Tsong
May 25, 20233 min read
How Surrogates and Intended Parents in Washington state can receive paid leave
Washington State provides time off to its employees, including surrogates and intended parents, due to pregnancy, childbirth, or...

Ralph M. Tsong
May 18, 20232 min read
The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Promises to Protect Surrogates and Pregnant Workers in Employment
The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) is a new law that was signed by President Biden last December 29, 2022 and into effect on June...

Ralph M. Tsong
May 5, 20233 min read
What is Posthumous Reproduction?
Posthumous reproduction uses a deceased person’s gametes (egg or sperm) and assisted reproductive technology to produce a child. In this...

Ralph M. Tsong
Apr 19, 20232 min read
California’s New Law Affects Donor Anonymity
Recently, California has implemented a law which will have an impact on anonymous sperm, egg and embryo (“gamete”) donations in the...
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